"We are honored to support St. Anthony de Padua Catholic School in their efforts to strengthen safety within their building," said Carmen Woiak, Abbotsford Assistant Branch Manager at AbbyBank. "We know the school is committed to creating a secure and nurturing environment that allows students to focus on their education and personal growth, and we are grateful to help.”
The AbbyBank Foundation was formed in 1986 as a private charitable foundation of AbbyBank, which has contributed over $1,730,300 to the foundation. Since 1986, the foundation has made donations to Abbotsford, Appleton, Gresham, Medford, Shawano, Wausau, Weston, and neighboring area organizations totaling over $1,351,978.03.
For more information regarding AbbyBank and its charitable foundation, visit their website at www.abbybank.com, call 715-223-2345 or stop at one of our locations in Abbotsford, Appleton, Gresham, Medford, Shawano, Wausau or Weston locations.